Kombat X cheats, Characters, News, Fanart etc!Moral Kombat has always been my favorite fighting game series. Mortal Kombat was always that fighting ga
Kombat X cheats, Characters, News, Fanart etc!
Moral Kombat has always been my favorite fighting game series. Mortal Kombat was always that fighting game that you could pick up and play with almost no experience and have crazy fun with it. Therefore I am very exited over Kombat X and decided to make something out of it!
To all you fellow gamers! This app includes some of the following for M Kombat X:
- All Cheat codes and moves for Kombat X, (all Brutalities and Fatalities there is, and more to come!)
- Kombat kodes
- Kombo moves
- Basic attacks
- No more pausing to view moves!
Great for the middle of an online battle.
- Tips and info for brutalities and fatalities
- All sorts of "up to date" news, updates, features etc
- Connected directly to youtube for new Mortal trailers and gameplay videos/walkthroughs.
- Profile of announced fighters for Kombat.
- As an extra bonus I have included some the possibility to get your hands on some INSANE strategies to guaranteed become a game tester part time or full time!
- Mortal Fan art and screenshots from.
If you liked this M Kombat X Moves & News app please rate 5 stars! :)
Mortal updates are coming soon...